Business, defense, and… a 2nd term?

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Business, defense, and… a 2nd term?

Local politics did not escape President Benigno Aquino III even as he takes a whirlwind four-nation tour of Europe. Aquino left September 13 for Spain, Belgium, France, and Germany, where he apprised potential investors of positive economic developments in his home country. While on the plane from Madrid to Brussels, the issue of a second term for his presidency cropped up – and he said that term number 2 might be open for abuse, but said, it would also have a “host of benefits.” He also said that if someone indeed wants another term, it could be possible – even if the Constitution prohibits it. Back home, Senate President Franklin Drilon says the Senate has no time to tackle any amendments to the constitution to allow the president to seek a second term. 

Aside from politics, Aquino also discussed the tensions in the South China Sea, defense, the welfare of Filipino seafarers, and the peace process in Mindanao. He will then proceed to the United States for the UN Climate Summit and a series of other events.

Read the President’s latest statements on a second presidential term here on Rappler.

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