Tycoon resigns from Taiwanese firms linked to food safety scandal


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Tycoon resigns from Taiwanese firms linked to food safety scandal

Tycoon Wei Yin-chun of Taiwan stepped down from his posts at several companies that have been linked to a series of food safety issues. The authorities ordered Cheng I, one of the companies he headed, to recall hundreds of tons of lard, cooking oil, and margarine over claims that the products were adulterated with oil intended for animal feed. He also resigned from Wei Chuan, which was among the companies that also removed products from sale in a damaging “gutter oil” scandal in September. “Chairman Wei is deeply saddened and blames himself over the food safety incidents. Even though the incidents may have originated from problematic materials from the suppliers, he expresses heartfelt apologies for being unable to effectively manage the origin,” the company statement said.

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