
Village residents urged to speak up at October 12 assemblies

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Village residents urged to speak up at October 12 assemblies

The second synchronized assembly of village residents all over the Philippines this year will be held on Saturday, October 12. Citizens in country’s 42,028 barangays are encouraged to attend their Barangay Assembly, where they will be given the chance to discuss policies and programs that affect their everyday lives, such as garbage disposal, faulty street lights, and clogged canals. Through the event, residents can either raise questions – especially about fees collected and funds spent – propose solutions, or demand answers from their elected village officials. The conduct of barangay assemblies is mandated by Presidential Proclamation Number 260.

Read the details of the activity on Rappler.

To know what to demand of barangay officials, learn first the power and perks we give them when we elect them.

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