Malala Yousafzai leads 2014 Nobel awardees

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Malala Yousafzai leads 2014 Nobel awardees


It’s Nobel week, and 17-year-old Pakistani activist Malalay Yousafzai leads this year’s recipients of the world’s most prestigious awards. The week opened with the Nobel Prize in Medicine, awarded for research on the brain’s internal “GPS”; it was then followed by the physics Nobel awarded to 3 Japanese researchers for their research on blue LEDs. The chemistry Nobel, the third announced award, was given to 3 scientists for their research on nanomicroscopy, while French writer Patrick Modiano was awarded the Nobel Literature Prize. The Peace prize was given to Malala and another education and children’s rights activist Kailash Satyarthi. Nobel week will end on Monday, October 13, with the announcement of the prize for Economic Sciences.

Read more on the Nobel Season 2014 on Rappler.


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