Protestors mark 6 months since Nigerian schoolgirls’ kidnap

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Protestors mark 6 months since Nigerian schoolgirls’ kidnap


Protesters calling for the release of 219 Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants were set Tuesday, October 14, to mark the 6-month anniversary of their abduction with a march on the presidency. Members of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign were planning to walk to President Goodluck Jonathan’s official residence in Abuja to keep up the pressure on the government to bring the missing teenagers home. The march is the culmination of a series of events in the past week, including a candlelit vigil, to keep the fate of the girls in the public eye, as media coverage and on-line interest wanes. Some 276 girls were seized from their dormitories at the Government Girls Secondary School in the remote town of Chibok in Borno state, northeastern Nigeria, on the night of April 14. Since then, nothing has been seen or heard from the girls while back channel talks with militant leaders have stalled.

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