Jokowi’s ‘working’ cabinet receives cautious welcome

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Jokowi’s ‘working’ cabinet receives cautious welcome


Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo finally unveiled his 34-member cabinet on Sunday, October 26 – almost a week since its expected announcement. Consisting mostly of professionals and technocrats, each member of the Jokowi cabinet was vetted by anti-corruption agencies. The move is a first for Indonesia and was received well by the public. However, some questioned whether the agencies should be determining the cabinet composition. Jokowi said on Wednesday, October 22, that he had to replace 8 of the names on his initial list because anti-corruption agency Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) raised some red flags. The cabinet will be formally inaugurated on Monday, October 27.

Read the full story on Rappler. Full cabinet list available here.

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