‘Pick your cross’: Remembering Yolanda’s victims


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‘Pick your cross’: Remembering Yolanda’s victims


As millions of Filipinos troop to cemeteries across the country, many in Tacloban will only have a mass grave to go to, as the government has yet to finish identifying the victims of Super Typhoon Yolanda. Around 1,000 temporary crosses serve as temporary markers where the families of the victims can light their candles, offer flowers, and pray. Relatives now have to pick and label random crosses in the mass grave – “first come, first served.” It could take up to two more years before the relatives will finally have a permanent place to honor their loved ones, according to the National Bureau of Investigation.

Learn more about this story, and about the Yolanda victims’ memorial wall to be unveiled on the anniversary of the disaster, on Rappler.

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