The month that changed Hong Kong

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The month that changed Hong Kong


It started with a pre-dawn declaration: As protest to China’s plan to meddle in the upcoming 2017 elections, pro-democracy leader Benny Tai announced a civil disobedience campaign. Crowds – mostly students – gathered at the Admiralty district of the city, where the territory’s government held office, and from there, the massive rallies took off. It has then been labeled other names: Occupy Hong Kong, the Umbrella Revolution. One month on, the protests continue. The South China Morning Post notes, it has gone far beyond what the planners have envisioned, and it has plunged the city into its worst political crisis. Hong Kong’s citizens have been deeply divided, and the tensions have escalated. The question now remains: What’s next for Hong Kong?

Read more on the South China Morning Post. The SCMP also has this story of an Occupy protester’s sacrifices.

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