Life and times in Korea’s Demilitarized Zone

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Life and times in Korea’s Demilitarized Zone


It’s the world’s most heavily fortified border, dividing two countries technically still at war, for more than 6 decades now. Welcome to the Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ, where North and South Korean soldiers warily stare at each other every day, mines dot the land, with only the village of Panmunjom sitting in the middle. The DMZ is home mostly to the soldiers guarding both sides of the border, and a small contingent of soldiers from neutral countries basically observing the fragile peace. Al Jazeera takes a tour of the area – from the South, of course – and tells the story of the 10-member strong Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, or NNSC, tasked with helping maintain the calm in this otherwise dangerous and tension-filled region.

Here’s the story of how they hang out in the DMZ, on Al Jazeera.

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