Ali vs Foreman: Legacy of a historic fight

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Ali vs Foreman: Legacy of a historic fight

Forty years ago this week, 100,000 people packed the Tata Raphael stadium in Kinshasa, Zaire (now DR Congo), to watch the historic “Rumble in the Jungle” – one of modern history’s biggest and most important sporting events. Two boxing greats faced off on October 30, 1974: Muhammad Ali, who was fighting his way back to the top after a ban; and George Foreman, then the defending world campion. Forty years after the 8th round knockout of Foreman by Ali, the stadium that witnessed the historic event is dilapidated – but the city’s pride in hosting the epic “Rumble” remains.

Read more about the recollection of Kinshasa’s residents, in this story from the Agence France-Presse, on Rappler. And where are they now? Read more about the post-Rumble lives of Ali and Foreman, also on Rappler.

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