In Tacloban, 14,000 still live in danger zones

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In Tacloban, 14,000 still live in danger zones

Around 3,000 families, or 14,100 people, continue to live in danger zones close to the sea, nearly a year after Super Typhoon Yolanda wiped out coastal villages in the city and nearby areas, Tacloban Mayor Alfred Romualdez told Rappler. The Tacloban City government is set to prohibit residents from building houses in danger zones, also known as “no-dwelling” or “no-build zones,” to avoid a repeat of Yolanda that killed 6,300 people here. Thousands of others live in danger zones farther from the waters. “Wala kasing paglilipatan eh,” Romualdez said. (There’s nowhere to move to.)

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