
November 10, 2014 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Rising China, geopolitical tensions take center stage

    World leaders gather in Beijing on Monday, November 10, for the annual summit of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries. The summit came amid geo-political problems and the rise of China, which is hosting APEC for the first time since 2001. China and Japan’s relations are at their lowest point in decades over competing maritime claims, but the two countries agreed Saturday on a four-point accord to improve ties. China is also at odds with the US over differing visions of how to achieve Asia-Pacific integration. US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin will also attend the summit but are not expected to hold talks. Russia is under Western pressure and economic  sanctions over its seizure of the Crimea this year and its role in a separatist war in eastern Ukraine.

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  2. After world aid, gov’t must scale up Haiyan rehab

    Photo by Noel Celis/AFP

    A year after the devastation of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), international experts from Manila, New York, and Geneva said the Philippine government must give displaced survivors dignified temporary shelters while working out long-term settlement and policy issues. Global aid organizations said the government should take the lead in speeding up aid to help the millions of people affected by the strongest storm to hit land. But experts said the slow release of funds, and the blame game and disputes between local officials and the national government, are delaying the delivery of aid.

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  3. Bishops decline request to mediate gov’t-NDFP talks

    The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) declined a request for it to mediate in the dialogue between the Philippine government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). In a statement, the group said there is “trepidation” on their part stemming from doubts about the “degree of cohesiveness that exists between the top echelons of the Front and local cadres of the New People’s Army.” CBCP”s statement is an indication that informal talks between the government and the NDFP are underway after formal negotiations collapsed last year.

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  4. Salaries to rise by 7% in 2015

    A survey said salaries across Asia-Pacific will rise by 7% in 2015. Global professional service company Towers Watson said Philippine companies are seen to raise salaries at a pace with the average increase in the Asia-Pacific region. Based on the APAC Salary Budget Planning Report, Vietnam will see the highest increase with 11%, followed by India at 10.8%, and Myanmar 10%, in terms of overall increases. Japan will see the smallest raises at 0.6%. But inflation in the region means that pay increases in real terms will drop slightly. Across sectors, the pharmaceutical sector and the high-tech sector are expected to see high salary increases.

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  5. Thousands of balloons rise to sky to fete Berlin Wall fall

    Germany celebrated the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall on Sunday, November 9. Thousands of illuminated balloons sailed into the night sky as German Chancellor Angela Merkel said its fall 25 years ago at the end of the Cold War proved that “dreams can come true”. Artists tethered nearly 7,000 balloons along a 15-kilometer stretch of what used to be the despised concrete barrier’s 155-kilometer path, making it visible once again.

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  6. Rebels and Al-Qaeda capture key southern town

    After months of intense fighting Syrian rebels and terrorist group Al-Qaeda seized the southern town of Nawa from troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday, November 9. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported both local rebel groups and Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front claimed credit for the opposition advance. Syria’s military has increasingly resorted to using so-called barrel bombs, which rights groups have condemned as a particularly indiscriminate weapon that often kills civilians.

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  7. Eight-year-old suspected of torching four cars in France

    French police were investigating whether an 8-year-old boy who was caught red-handed about to torch a parked car was also responsible for arson attacks on 4 other vehicles in the same area. Police caught the boy on Saturday morning, November 8, in the Mediterranean town of Herault near Montpellier. Officials said that there have been no attacks on other vehicles since the boy was caught. He was returned to his family as prosecutors cannot take legal action against an 8-year-old child.

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  8. Obama takes responsibility for Democrats’ rout

    US President Barack Obama took responsibility for his party’s nationwide defeat in Tuesday’s midterm elections that saw the Republicans taking control of the Senate and winning key Democrat governorships. In an interview with CBS News, Obama said, “The message that I took from this election, and we’ve seen this in a number of elections, successive elections, is people want to see this city (Washington) work. They feel as if it’s not working.” Obama also renewed his vow to make changes to the immigration system – unless Republicans approve legislation by the end of the year.

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  9. How your Gmail account got hacked

    You are 36 times more likely to get scammed if your contacts’ accounts have been hacked, according to a study released this week by Google (GOOG).  Google found in its three-year study that well crafted scams work 45% of the time. It also found that it takes only 3 minutes to scan your email for valuable stuff. And expect your friends to get preyed on too. Criminals will send emails in your name asking friends for money. Good news, there are safety precautions you can take.

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  10. You might not need a mobile carrier by 2020

    Image from Shutterstock

    Are the days of mobile data numbered, with Wi-Fi evolving into a standard outdoor feature from an indoor privilege? CNN reports on a Macquarie Group survey reported that broadband customers that actively use Wi-Fi on a regular basis save more than $30 per month on their wireless bill. In Europe, many cell phone owners have already ditched their wireless carrier in favor of Wi-Fi. But Wi-Fi isn’t robust enough for Americans to cross over. The security of public Wi-Fi is also a concern among some, but Macquarie predicts Wi-Fi’s security issues will be resolved by 2016.

    Read the full story on CNN.

    Image from Shutterstock

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