Papal itinerary released for state, pastoral visit to PH

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Papal itinerary released for state, pastoral visit to PH

After weeks of waiting, Filipino Catholics can now schedule which events to attend (or check out places to avoid) during the visit of Pope Francis this coming January. The highlight of the 5-day trip to the Philippines will be the Holy Father’s lunch with survivors of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in Leyte and events in the Manila Cathedral, the University of Santo Tomas (UST), and the Mall of Asia Arena. The visit will also serve a dual purpose: he will be the country’s guest not just as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, but also as the head of state of the Vatican City State. “State visits reflect the highest level of hospitality, honor and formality in relations between nations,” the Philippine government said. The country is also mulling to make the Papal visit a holiday.

Read more about his itinerary on Rappler.

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