November 17, 2014 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Poe: Hunger and malnutrition stifle Filipino youth’s potential

    Senator Grace Poe said hunger and malnutrition stifle the development of young Filipinos preventing them from reaching their full potential. The forum “Aiming for #ZeroHunger” last Friday was organized by Rappler, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the World Food Programme (WFP). The latest National Nutrition Survey of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) revealed almost 20% of children under 5 years old are underweight while 30% are stunted or too small for their age. According to the WFP, the effects of malnutrition on a child are irreversible – especially if inflicted during the first 1,000 days since the child’s conception in a woman’s body.

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  2. Jonvic Remulla: I’m not going national

    Cavite Governor Juanito Victor “Jonvic” Remulla is the public face behind the opposition these days. He’s on every media defending beleaguered Vice President Jejomar Binay. With all these exposure, is he gunning for a national post? If we are to believe him, that’s the last thing on his mind. Remulla told Rappler “Being a spokesperson is the worst vehicle for you to enter into national office because you imbibe all of the negatives… It’s not a vehicle for me to go national. I’m only here to help.”

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  3. Obama calls Kassig beheading ‘pure evil’

    US President Barack Obama condemned the beheading of American aid worker Peter Kassig by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as “pure evil.” Kassig’s parents said they were “heartbroken” by their loss after ISIS released a video showing Kassig’s body, a warning to the US as it prepares to send more troops to Iraq. The 26-year-old aid worker, who took the name Abdul-Rahman after converting to Islam, was captured last year. He risked his life to provide medical treatment and aid to those suffering from Syria’s civil war. Kassig was the fifth Western hostage killed by ISIS in recent months.

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  4. Netherlands poultry ban triggered by bird flu

    Dutch officials banned the transport of poultry in the Netherlands after discovering a highly infectious strain of bird flu which could jump to humans. About 150,000 chickens at the farm in Hekendorp will be destroyed by health authorities, who have not yet identified the exact strain of avian influenza. The transport ban will last 72 hours and includes moving poultry, eggs and bird manure. Avian influenza is fatal for chickens and poses a health threat to humans. The H5N1 strain of bird flu has killed more than 400 people since 2003, while the H7N9 strain killed more than 170 people since 2013.

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  5. Abducted girls’ hometown recaptured by Nigerian army

    The Nigerian army said it recaptured the northeastern town of Chibok from Boko Haram militants late Saturday. Chibok has been under a global media spotlight since Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls there in April, most of whom are still being held. An official said Chibok was recaptured in a joint operation by the army and local vigilantes known as the Civilian Joint Task Force. Boko Haram captured the town on Thursday, after a battle lasting several hours.

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  6. One World Trade Center signals return to normal

    The jewel of the New York skyline is back. The opening of One World Trade Center on the site of the destroyed Twin Towers signals a return to normal in the Big Apple. Since November 3, some 500 employees of the media group Conde Nast moved in, to be joined by another 3,000 in early 2015. Its tapered glass silhouette overlooks the September 11 Memorial. The $3.9 billion, 104-story tower is also said to be the “most secure office building in the world.” The lobby, with soaring ceilings 47 feet high and white marble throughout, is protected by a special wall that can withstand explosions. Its concrete foundation is 185 feet tall. A staircase is dedicated to emergency responders, and concrete protects the elevators and stairways. The communications system was designed in collaboration with police, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and private experts.

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  7. Make Facebook ‘likes’ vanish

    Are you rating your self-worth according to the numbers on Facebook? How to snap out of your number-filled obsession? Back in 2012, Ben Grosser created the Facebook Demetricator, a free web browser extension that wipes out all the usual metrics you see on Facebook. For instance, a status that says “56 people liked this,” for instance, would now say “______ people liked this” with the help of the Demetricator. This way, you can go about your Facebook experience unencumbered by numbers.

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  8. ‘Syrian hero boy’ video a hoax

    A viral video showing a Syrian boy rescuing a girl under gunfire, watched online by millions of viewers, was faked by a Norwegian film crew. Posted on YouTube on Monday, November 10, the “Syrian hero boy” video was shot on location in Malta last summer with professional actors, and directed by 34-year-old Norwegian Lars Klevberg, who hoped to provoke a debate on children in war zones. The video, which had been seen more than six million times amid an online debate about its authenticity, received funding from the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI).

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  9. What does AH26 road sign mean?

    You might have seen an “AH26” road sign along EDSA. The “AH” stands for Asian Highway, a network of highway routes of international importance within Asia. It covers over 141,000 kilometers of roads across 32 countries. AH26 is the route number given to the 3,517-kilometer Philippine segment of the Asian Highway Network. The main road on the AH26 route is the Pan-Philippine Highway or the Maharlika Highway, stretching from Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, to Zamboanga City. The Asian Highway Network was conceived to coordinate improvement of existing road systems and to promote international trade and tourism. The western ends of the Asian Highway connect to Europe’s E-road network.

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  10. Weekend itinerary and great eats in Iloilo

    With its well-preserved ancestral houses and centuries-old churches that are relics of its Spanish colonial past, a visit to Iloilo feels much like going back in time. Begin your weekend trip with a visit to its many churches, such as the UNESCO-recognized Miag-ao Church and the San Joaquin church with its intricate military-themed carvings. Take a stroll down the Iloilo Esplanade at night for the best views and visit the Smallville complex for a taste of the city’s nightlife. A trip to Iloilo won’t be complete without sampling authentic Ilonggo cuisine. La paz batchoy, fresh seafood, the best chocolate and butterscotch – the list of amazing food you can get in Iloilo goes on and on.

    Read the full stories on Rappler here and here.

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