November 28, 2014 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Secretary Ona told to take ‘extended leave’

    Health Secretary Enrique Ona has not resigned, contrary to some reports, but is being asked to extend his leave from the Department while the President considers his performance. Malacañang announced on Friday, November 28, that Ona has submitted his report on the vaccination controversy to President Benigno Aquino III but not his courtesy resignation. Malacañang was silent on Thursday, November 27 on whether President Benigno Aquino III has decided to retain Ona or let him go after his one month leave of absence expires. Aquino earlier asked Ona to go on leave to prepare a defense of Ona’s controversial vaccination program in the DOH. Advocates in the health sector claim the DOH procured P833 million worth of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine 10 (PCV 10) instead of a “more cost-effective” vaccine. 

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  2. PH GDP growth slows to 5.3% in Q3

    The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) – a measure of the country’s economic activity – slowed down to 5.3% in the third quarter, or a 1.7 percentage point decrease from the 7% growth in the same quarter in 2013. The dip in growth was a result of more tempered government spending, a contraction in agriculture, and the lingering effects of Typhoon Yolanda. The latest results will mean the country may not meet its year-end target of 6.5% to 7.5% full-year GDP growth, according to National Economic and Development Authority Director General Arsenio Balisacan.

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  3. TD Queenie leaves at least 2 dead, 7 missing

    At least two people were killed and 7 others are missing after tropical depression Queenie swept across southern Visayas on Thursday, November 27. One woman was swept away by floodwaters in Cebu while a man was fatally injured when huge waves hit his boat off the island of Bohol. The regional disaster risk reduction and management council said 7 others are missing, mostly fishermen who went out to sea.

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  4. ‘Don’t elect plunderers’ – Miriam’s advice to voters

    One time presidential candidate and senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago believes the next President should not be someone who is Machiavellian or a narcissist as they will likely plunder the country’s resources. The senator told students at a forum on Thursday, November 27 other undesirable traits of a president, which include: masculinity, highly neurotic, and morally disengaged. Defensor-Santiago argued that a person who exhibits these traits will have weak moral values and an inflated sense of self-importance. In another forum, the senator said the Philippines should elect a female president in 2016.

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  5. Philippines highlights 5 most walkable cities

    What do Pasig City, Vigan City, Iloilo City, Cebu City and Marikina City all have in common? They are the most bikeable and walkable cities in the country. The government and civil society recognized the 5 cities in an event in Malacañang Palace on Thursday, November 27. Iloilo City’s Esplanade was highlighted as an example of a government-led initiative to open land to pedestrian and bike traffic. Local government leaders say political will is needed to replicate the success of these 5 cities. The results, the add, will greatly benefit constituents’ health and wellbeing, ease traffic, and raise land values.

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  6. Media websites hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

    Western media websites were hacked on Thursday, November 27, by the Syrian Electronic Army, an amorphous hacker collective that supports Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. News sites such as the Daily Telegraph and New York Daily News were hacked and replaced with an image of an eagle bearing the Syrian flag. The hacking group appeared to have gained access to the account of, a company that helps businesses identify those who visit their websites. Gigya’s CEO, Patrick Salyer, said the integrity of the data and usernames and password is intact despite the hack.

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  7. PNP to audit cops’ crime reports

    The Philippine National Police is trying something experimental to ensure crime reports are accurate: they’re auditing them. Interior secretary Mar Roxas told Rappler on Thursday, November 27 that the police force has been conducting a systematic audit of blotter reports – the handwritten ledgers of criminal complaints or incidents – in all Metro Manila police stations. If the new reporting scheme is to be believed, crime rates are not as high as once perceived. These are some of the reforms being instituted in the PNP, said Roxas.

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  8. Ferguson calm as new US police shooting in spotlight

    The streets of Ferguson were calm Thursday, November 27, on the Thanksgiving holiday, but video showing Cleveland police shooting dead a young black boy could once again inflame simmering tensions over race and justice in America. Ferguson was the scene of three days of sometimes violent protests after a Missouri grand jury acquitted a white policeman who shot died an unarmed black teen in August. Meanwhile, another fatal shooting by a policeman of a 12-year old boy carrying a replica gun threatens to reignite nationwide anger at police brutality and tactics.

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  9. PH won’t free convicted Chinese poachers

    The Philippine government will not release Chinese fishermen who were convicted of poaching in disputed waters despite the objection from Beijing. The fishermen were found guilty on Monday and fined $100,000 each for poaching hundreds of pawikan (sea turtles), a protected species. On Tuesday, China called on the Philippines to release the fishermen, saying their arrest was a violation of Beijing’s sovereignty. The fishermen have been in jail for more than 6 months.

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  10. Shock and sadness as cricket batter Phillip Hughes dies

    Australian batsman Phillip Hughes succumbed to head injuries and died on Thursday, November 27, sending shockwaves across the cricket-crazed country. Hughes was struck near the nape by a cricket ball on Tuesday, November 25 at the Sydney Cricket Ground and never regained consciousness. Doctors say the ball compressed the vertebral artery which ruptured and caused internal bleeding. Doctors performed emergency surgery to relieve the pressure in the brain. Hughes was supposed to celebrate his 26th birthday this weekend.

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