6 dead, thousands flee due to Seniang


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6 dead, thousands flee due to Seniang

Six people were killed, one is missing, and thousands fled their homes as a tropical storm battered parts of Visayas and Mindanao with strong winds and heavy rain, according to reports as of Tuesday, December 30. The storm, locally named “Seniang” and with winds of up to 80 kilometers per hour, traversed parts of Mindanao and Visayas and was spotted nearing Cebu on Tuesday morning by state weather bureau PAGASA In Visayas, 3 were reported dead due to a landslide in Tanauan town, Leyte by local government authorities. The landslide had been induced by incessant rain that had been pouring over Leyte since Monday. Three people were also reported dead in the region of Mindanao while one man was reported missing.

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