Cebu Pacific questions P52M fine over holiday fiasco

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Cebu Pacific questions P52M fine over holiday fiasco

Cebu Air Inc (Cebu Pacific) wants to know from the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) the basis of its P52.11 million ($1.14 million*) fine over the budget carrier’s hundreds of flight delays and cancellations during the holidays. The company added they have yet to receive formal notice of the fine. A total of 10,400 passengers were reportedly affected by flight delays and cancellations over the holiday period that started on December 4. The CAB Board decided to impose a P5,000 ($111.68) fine for every affected passenger. CAB also issued a strong reprimand to Cebu Pacific on top of the hefty fine. The airline company blamed air traffic congestion and overworked staff as the cause of the delays and cancellations.

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