Sabah standoff leader Agbimuddin Kiram dies in Tawi-Tawi

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Sabah standoff leader Agbimuddin Kiram dies in Tawi-Tawi

Sabah standoff leader Agbimuddin Kiram died of cardiac arrest in his hometown in the province of Tawi-Tawi Tuesday, January 13, police said. Kiran, also known as Datu Puing, led a group of about 200 armed followers of the Sultanate of Sulu to Lahad Datu, Sabah in February 2013, ostensibly to revive the sultanate’s claim to the Eastern Malaysian state. The stunt led to a standoff between the small armed group and Malaysian security forces, causing the lives of 60 people and forcing 6,000 Filipinos to flee Sabah. Kiram managed to escape to the Philippines and his whereabouts were unknown prior to his death.

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