January 27, 2015 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Top terrorist was police target

    The elite Special Action Force of the Philippine National Police was in hot pursuit of a top Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist in Maguindanao: Malaysian bomb maker Zulkifli Abdhir, better known as “Marwan”. He was the target of what turned out to be the bloodiest police operation in recent history that killed at least 49 on Sunday, January 25. Government believes they got him this time around after he survived an airstrike meant to kill him in Sulu in 2012.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

  2. PNP to investigate failed police operation

    The Philippine National Police (PNP) will investigate what Interior Secretary Mar Roxas called a “misencounter” between the police and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The bloodiest police operation in recent history is said to have left close to 50 SAF operatives dead. Roxas said a board of inquiry will look into what happened in the operation which was intended to arrest top terrorist Zulkifli Abdhir, also known as “Marwan”, a Malaysian and alleged bomb maker.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

  3. Police recover at least 49 of their dead

    The Philippine National Police has recovered at least 49 bodies of killed members of the Special Action Force (SAF) in Maguindanao before noon of Monday, January 26. The bodies were brought to the headquarters of the Army’s 6th infantry division in Cotabato City. Sources from the military said 10 more SAF members were missing and at least one civilian was killed. The carnage happened in a bailiwick of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front which is involved in peace negotiations with the national government. Two senators – Alan Cayetano and JV Ejercito – withdrew authorship of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law, which seeks to create an autonomous region initially headed by the MILF. Passage of the law in the Senate requires a majority of the 24 senators. The withdrawal of the two senators now casts doubt on the passage of the law.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

    The story on the senators’ withdrawal of their authorship of the Bangsamoro law is also on Rappler.

  4. ‘Historic’ blizzard hits US northeast

    Winter Storm Juno is expected to dump about a meter of snow in the northeastern part of the US, affecting New England, Connecticut and Massachusetts. A state of emergency was declared in New York and New Jersey and a travel ban imposed on Connecticut. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Juno would most likely be “one of the largest blizzards in the history of New York City.” The storm is expected to rage through Monday night through Tuesday morning until late afternoon.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

    A related story is on the New York Times.

  5. Mayor Binay ordered arrested by Senate for contempt

    Senator Teofisto Guingona, chair of the Senate blue ribbon committee, signed the detention and arrest order for Mayor Jejomar Erwin “Junjun” Binay Jr and 5 others for their refusal to attend hearings on alleged anomalous contracts in Makati. The Makati mayor being investigated by the blue ribbon’s subcommittee for corruption was cited in contempt for snubbing the hearings. Binay said he was ready to be detained and was asking for fairness and due process, which the subcommittee hasn’t provided.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

  6. PH urban population among densest in East Asia

    The key cities of the Philippines are the second most densely populated in East Asia, with the country’s urban population ballooning from 17 million in year 2000 to 23 million in 2010. This is according to a World Bank study released Monday, January 26. For instance, Manila had the highest spike in urban population concentration – from 11,900 people per sq km in 2000 to 13,000 in 2010. Despite the growth, built-up land has not caught up.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

  7. Greece swears in anti-austerity PM

    Alexis Tsipras, 40-year-old leader of the left-wing Syriza party, was sworn in as new Prime Minister of Greece after forming a coalition with the center-right Independent Greeks party. He vowed to put an end to Greek austerity measures and renegotiate the bailouts worth $268 billion. The euro recovered from an 11-year low against the US dollar, the BBC reported.

    Read the full story on CNN.

    Related stories are on the BBC and Rappler.

  8. First female Church of England bishop consecrated

    Libby Lane became the first female bishop of the Church of England on Monday, January 26, at a grand ceremony in York cathedral. Her appointment was strongly opposed by traditionalists who believe that the Bible teaches that the top rung of the clergy has no place for a woman. A mother of two, whose husband is also a priest, Lane supports the Manchester United football club and plays the saxophone.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

    A related story is on The Guardian.

  9. Filipino consumers curb spending in Q4 2014

    To boost their household savings, 80% of consumers in the Philippines adjusted their spending habits over the past 12 months, a Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index report said. 62% are spending less on new clothing, even as some are cutting on expenses by saving on gas and electricity, delaying upgrading of technology, and choosing cheaper grocery brands. Filipino consumers, along with other Southeast Asian consumers, are considered the most avid savers in the world, Nielsen also said.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

  10. Warm ocean water melting E. Antarctica’s largest glacier

    Warm ocean water is causing the largest glacier in East Antarctica to melt. It contains ice that if melted, will be equivalent to a 20-foot or 6-meter rise in global sea levels. Australian scientists said waters around the Totten Glacier, 120-kilometers long and over 30 kilometers wide, were warmer than expected and likely melting the ice from below. Scientist Steve Rintoul, who went with a team of scientists on a voyage to East Antarctica, said the warm water shows that “East Antarctica is not as protected from change as we use to think.”

    Read the full story on Rappler.

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