
January 30, 2015 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Honors for #SAF44 on National Day of Mourning

    It’s a national day of mourning for the Philippines on Friday, January 30, a day after 42 of the 44 slain Special Action Force commandos arrived in Manila to a heroes’ welcome. President Benigno Aquino III led the necrological services for the elite cops killed in a bloody clash with Moro rebels. The President was criticized online for skipping the arrival honors for the troops on January 29 in favor of an event at a new car plant. Before the necrological rites, policemen marched towards Camp Bagong Diwa, headquarters of the SAF, to dramatize their call for justice for their fallen comrades. Two other SAF commandos were buried in Zamboanga, following Islamic rites.

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    Check the photos of the 44 slain cops on Rappler.

  2. PH, MILF sign protocol for weapons decommissioning

    On the eve of the National Day of Mourning to honor the 44 elite cops who died in a clash with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the government and the MILF signed a protocol for the decommissioning of rebel firearms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The January 25 Maguindanao clash between elite cops and MILF troops has put at risk the passage of a proposed law seeking to create a new autonomous region in Muslim Mindanao – a primary commitment under the final peace pact signed in March 2014. A joint statement was released Thursday night reaffirming the commitment of the two parties to “the attainment of peace that has long eluded Mindanao,” echoing earlier statements from President Benigno Aquino III and MILF chairman Murad Ebrahim. The protocol provides details on how storage areas for decommissioned rebel firearms would be secured. It did not reveal where those sites would be.

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  3. PH appeals to Indonesia over Filipina’s execution

    The Philippine government is appealing to the Indonesian government to review the case of a convicted Filipina drug courier on death row. Indonesia’s Attorney General said that a Filipino citizen would be part of the next batch of executions, which are carried out by firing squads. The only Filipino on Indonesia’s death row is Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, 30, who was sentenced to death by the Sleman District Court in October 2010 for attempting to smuggle 2.6 kilograms of heroin into Indonesia from Malaysia in April 2010. “We are already working with a law firm and we have appealed for her case to be reviewed, even before the first batch of executions,” Charge d’Affairs Roberto G. Manalo of the Philippine Embassy in Jakarta said.

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  4. Wife of kidnapped Japanese asks for Tokyo’s help

    The wife of Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, who is being threatened with execution by Islamic State militants, broke her silence hours before the deadline for a hostage swap that could save his life. As a sunset cutoff for a prisoner exchange on the Turkish-Syrian border loomed, the wife, who signed her name only “Rinko,” said she was begging Tokyo and Amman to save the lives of her husband and a Jordanian pilot.

    Islamic State militants say they will kill the airman unless Jordan frees failed Iraqi suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi in exchange for Goto. Jordan demanded proof that the pilot is alive. There was no news of the hostages after night fell over parts of Iraq and Syria where IS is based.

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  5. New Saudi king starts major gov’t revamp

    Saudi Arabia’s King Salman named a new intelligence chief, replaced part of his cabinet and fired two sons of the late king Abdullah in a major government shake-up seen as further entrenching the new monarch’s power. The announcement came a week after Salman acceded to the throne following the death of Abdullah, aged about 90. A separate decree said Prince Bandar bin Sultan, a nephew of Abdullah, was removed from his posts as Secretary General of the National Security Council and adviser to the king. Two sons of the late monarch were also fired: Prince Mishaal, the governor of Mecca region, and Prince Turki, who governed the capital Riyadh, according to the decrees broadcast on Saudi television.

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  6. Cebu Pacific pays $1-M fine

    Cebu Air Inc of taipan John Gokongwei paid on January 29 the P52.11-million ($1.18 million) fine assessed by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) for the budget carrier’s flight delays and cancellations during the Christmas season. The amount was deposited in the national treasury, CAB said. The amount was based on a fine of P5,000 ($113.37) for every affected passenger. Cebu Pacific Air Inc chief Lance Gokongwei earlier said he was “profoundly sorry” for failing their passengers during the holidays.

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  7. Is Ebola crisis coming to an end?

    Weekly Ebola infections in west Africa have dropped to below 100 for the first time in more than 6 months, raising hopes the worst-ever outbreak of the virus is coming to an end. The World Health Organization said it had now shifted its efforts in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone – the countries worst-hit by the epidemic – from slowing the spread to stamping it out completely. The UN’s Ebola coordinator, David Nabarro, nevertheless cautioned that the epidemic was still not totally contained. According to the WHO, 99 new cases were confirmed in the week up to January 25, the first time the figure has dropped below 100 since the end of June 2014.

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  8. Alibaba hit for ‘illegal’ transactions

    A powerful Chinese regulator blasted e-commerce giant Alibaba for allowing “illegal” actions on its multi-billion-dollar online shopping platform. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), charged with maintaining market order in China, said that Alibaba’s platforms had hosted “long-standing” violations of online business laws and regulations. It focused on Taobao, Alibaba’s consumer-to-consumer platform which is estimated to hold more than 90% of the Chinese market, and, believed to command over half the market in China for business-to-consumer transactions. The SAIC is known for its crackdowns on foreign companies accused of violating China’s anti-monopoly law, but its public dressing-down of such a prominent Chinese firm is unprecedented.

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  9. Deaf candidate removed from Bb Pilipinas 2015

    Binibining Pilipinas Charities Incorporated (BCPI) has replaced Christine Balaguer in the official list of candidates for this year’s pageant. On her Facebook page, Christine said that she was asked by BCPI to resign, which made her “depressed.” She added that it was her big dream to be the first deaf candidate to compete. Christine was replaced by Cannielle Faith Santos from Marilao, Bulacan. Christine previously joined Miss World Philippines 2014, where she placed in the Top 10.  She is the second candidate to be replaced in this year’s list.

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  10. Serena-Sharapova showdown

    Serena Williams battled past gallant Madison Keys January 29 to set up a dream Australian Open final between the top two seeds after arch-rival Maria Sharapova demolished Ekaterina Makarova. The best two players in the world have a long history and the odds are stacked in Williams’ favor ahead of the Melbourne Park decider on Saturday with the American holding a major psychological advantage. She has a 16-2 record against Sharapova, with the Russian five-time Grand Slam champion losing their every encounter since 2004. Sharapova is now in her fourth Australian final, having won in 2008.

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