February 2, 2015 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Why family of slain SAF didn’t wait for Aquino

    42 bodies arrived at the Villamor Air Base Thursday, January 29. By evening, only 41 caskets of the Philippine National Police Special Action Force who died in Maguindanao were brought to Camp Bagong Diwa.  Police Senior Inspector Guillermo Tria, the father of Police Senior Inspector Max Jim Tria, 27, said his family did not attend the necrological services led by Aquino as an act of protest. He wanted the President to condemn the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, whose elements were responsible for the death of the SAF troopers, and to rethink the proposed Bangsamoro law that would initially put the MILF at the helm of an expanded autonomous region in Mindanao. In his address to the nation on January 28, the President mourned the young officers but stressed the importance of continuing the peace process.The Trias family brought home Max Jim’s body to Virac, Catanduanes Friday morning, January 30. Albay Governor Joey Salceda echoed the sentiments of Tria family. “Many may disagree with me, but the issue here is justice for victims of MILF brutality and betrayal.”

    Read the full story on Rappler here and here.

  2. Jihadists increasingly wary of Internet

    After using the Internet for propaganda and recruitment, jihadist organizations realize that investigators are gleaning crucial information online. Experts say fighters are being told to limit their exposure, erase the footprint of their online activity and avoid revealing too many place names or faces. The jihadists groups are also increasingly using the “Dark Web” – the hidden part of the Internet protected by powerful encryption softwares. Terrorists are resorting more and more to software that is much harder to intercept like Skype, WhatsApp and services that delete messages as soon as they are sent. French police say the geographical location of some fighters were known “thanks to Facebook.” In November, a 28-year-old jihadist who travelled to Syria and then returned to France was jailed for seven years exclusively on the basis of what he posted online.

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  3. Egypt frees jailed Al Jazeera reporter Greste

    Egypt freed and deported Australian journalist Peter Greste, Sunday, after more than 400 days in detention. Greste, an award-winning correspondent for Al Jazeera English, was detained along with two colleagues, Canadian-Egyptian Mohamed Fahmy and an Egyptian producer, Baher Mohamed, in December 2013 and charged with aiding the blacklisted Brotherhood movement. Qatar-based Al Jazeera welcomed Cairo’s decision and expressed hope its other two journalists would soon also be released.

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  4. Mayweather posts: #FightNotMadeYet

    Sorry, boxing fans – the fight of the year isn’t made yet. Unbeaten fighter Floyd Mayweather dampened talk of a possible mega-fight agreement with Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, a day after Pacman’s promoter said a deal was near. Mayweather posted a message on his Shots account that said in part “While they continue to lie about making the fight… I’m just going to continue to travel and explore the world on my private jet. #FightNotMadeYet #Jamaica.” Rumor site TMZ also posted a story on Saturday claiming “multiple sources” confirmed that the fight had been finalized. It backpedaled shortly after, saying only the date and venue had been agreed upon.

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  5. Why Mitt Romney bowed out

    Three weeks after telling a group of Republican financiers he wanted to run a third time, Romney told supporters he was bowing out. CNN reports, “In the end, as it always has been with Mitt Romney, it was about the data.” Romney’s oldest son Tagg said, “The fear was that in order to get there it was going to be so hard fought that he could not emerge from a position of strength.” CNN also reports the decision came in the aftermath of  “frank” and “clinical” strategy session with his closest advisers and that Romney’s “donor network had grown lukewarm to the idea.” Analysts at CNN said Romney’s decision “widens the path” for Jedd Bush, who was said to be siphoning away his support among top donors.

    Read the full story on CNN and Rappler.

  6. Whitney Houston’s daughter found unconscious in tub

    Bobbi Kristina Brown, 21, was found unconscious in a bathtub by her husband and a friend at her home in Roswell, Georgia on Sunday. Brown, daughter of late singer Whitney Houston and R&B singer Bobby Brown, was still alive and breathing when she was brought to the North Fulton Hospital for treatment. The causes are still unknown, but doctors already put Brown in a medically-induced coma to address swelling on the brain. The circumstances are similar to Brown’s mother Whitney’s death in 2012  – she was found dead in a tub at Beverly Hills.

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  7. Genetically-modified mosquito plan sparks fear

    British company Oxitec’s plan to unleash genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida meet stiff opposition among residents. Oxitec said it wants to reduce the non-native Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the southeastern state to reduce the threat of dengue fever. The process involves inserting a gene into lab-grown, male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The added DNA makes it impossible for their offspring to survive.  The experiment sparked an outcry from fearful residents, with more than 145,000 people signing a petition at change.org urging regulators to “say no” to allowing the tourist haven to become “a testing ground for these mutant bugs.”

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  8. Djokovic beats Murray to win Australian Open

    World number one tennis player Novak Djokovic won a 5th Australian Open title and his 8th Grand Slam Sunday, grinding down Britain’s Andy Murray in 4 sets. Djokovic has now beaten Murray in three of his 4 Australian final losses following earlier wins in 2011 and 2013. The victory means Djokovic stays at world number one on the next ATP rankings, with Murray moving to 4 from his current 6th.

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  9. Uber & Airbnb: Ratings now cut both ways


    “The tables are turned.” New York Times reported that while customers routinely review products and services, two “disruptor” companies are rating its clientele on degree of promptness and politeness. Airbnb and Uber use customer reviews to weed out those they do not wish to serve and in response, some consumers are becoming more polite and prompt. A London venture capitalist complained to NYT about his Uber rank,”I’ve asked drivers to turn up or down heat, to not play music loudly, or to roll up windows … I can’t imagine why they would lower my passenger score.” The customer reviews beg the question: Who owns the data detailing good and bad behavior?

    Read the full story on New York Times.

  10. German in PH: Going off the beaten path

    For three months, German blogger Philipp Dukatz traveled the Philippines. He said he found “places of raw and untouched beauty, places with authentic charm and that unique type of hospitality that the Philippines is so famous for – and that made me feel right at home.” Dukatz suggested finding the best spots in the Philippines requires venturing off the beaten track. Check out his awesome pictures.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

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