Opinion: Let’s stop talking about Pacquiao-Mayweather


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Opinion: Let’s stop talking about Pacquiao-Mayweather

In an opinion piece, Rappler’s Sports Editor Ryan Songalia talks about the frustrations of boxing fans over the elusive Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather fight. He says, “The public has every right to be upset after six years of waiting” for the two boxers “to set aside their egos.” He says the tipping point was when reputable Telegraph writer Gareth Davies cited a source in Pacquiao’s camp saying the fighters had agreed to a $250 million pot and that Pacquiao had “completed his contractual negotiations.” Showtime sports executive Stephen Espinoza belied the claims and joked that Pacquiao had signed an “imaginary contract.” Songalia says, “I vow to not report on the negotiations until a fight is announced.” He says “The fight will either happen or it won’t, but to contribute to another fan letdown is a disservice to readers.”

Read the full story on Rappler here and here.

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