Did Bongbong Marcos lie about Oxford, Wharton?


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Did Bongbong Marcos lie about Oxford, Wharton?

Mark Fredesjed R. Cristino

Presidential son and senator Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr lists himself as a graduate of the prestigious Oxford and Wharton schools. But a Rappler investigation has found no evidence that the senator received degrees from either institution. Marcos, who is perceived as a possible presidential candidate in 2016, lists in his resume that he studied in Oxford University in England from 1975 to 1978. But a list of all graduates in 1978 does not contain his name. At the Wharton School in Pennsylvania, where he studied from 1979-1980, he never completed his masters in business administration (MBA). Marcos, who declined to be interviewed for the piece, released a statement on Tuesday, February 24 affirming that he graduated from Oxford University but did not complete his MBA at Wharton School because he ran and won as vice-governor of Ilocos Norte.

Read the full story on Rappler here and here.

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