March 4, 2015 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Israel’s Netanyahu cautions US against Iran nuke deal

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an impassioned address to the US Congress against a diplomatic nuclear deal with Iran brokered by the Obama administration. Netanyahu’s speech on Tuesday, March 4 (Wednesday in Manila) touched on the close ties between the US and Israel but criticized the government’s policy of engagement with Iran over its nuclear power program, which Iran and other nations believe could be use to build a nuclear bomb in the future. The highly anticipated speech has divided both Democrats and Republicans in Washington D.C., even the strongest supporters of US-Israel ties.

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  2. Mayweather is the ‘fight of my life’ – Pacquiao

    Photo by Dale de la Rey/AFP

    Manny Pacquiao is gearing up for the fight of his life against Floyd Mayweather as he began the Los Angeles leg of his training regime. On Monday, March 3, Pacquiao ran two miles and shadow-boxed for two rounds before breakfast. In the afternoon he went to Freddie Roach’s Wild Card Gym for more training. Roach, who is in Macau to help Chinese boxer Zou Shiming, told Rappler that Mayweather shouldn’t underestimate Pacquiao’s speed and strength from both arms. Pacquiao said he will prepare hard for the fight to give boxing fans the “entertainment they want.”

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  3. Indonesia readies Australian drug smugglers for execution

    Indonesia has transferred on Wednesday, March 4, two Australian drug smugglers from the Bali prison to an island where they will be executed. Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were taken in two armored cars to the airport for transfer to Nusakambangan island, home to several high-security prisons. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who has appealed the death sentence for the two, said millions of Australians were sickened by the developments. Officials have yet to announce a date for their executions, but the transfer indicates it is imminent.

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  4. President Aquino appoints new SAF commander

    President Benigno Aquino III appointed Chief Superintendent Moro Virgilio Lazo to head the Philippine National Police – Special Action Force (PNP-SAF), sources told Rappler Tuesday evening, March 3. Lazo, a former SAF trooper, was chief of the PNP’s Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO). He is a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), class of 1984 and entered the SAF in the same year. He will replace former SAF commander Police Director Getulio Napeñas, who was relieved of his post following “Oplan Exodus.”

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  5. ARMM gov’t declares state of calamity in Maguindanao

    The province of Maguindanao was placed under a state of calamity on Tuesday, March 3, as residents displaced from their homes soared to more than 41,000 due to the ongoing armed conflict in the area. At least 8,236 families are affected, with many staying in evacuation centers across the province. ARMM Governor Mujiv Hataman convened the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council on Tuesday as the local government launched massive relief efforts.

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  6. Drinking 3 to 5 cups of coffee good for the heart – study

    That coffee has health benefits, not to mention its appeal, is nothing new. But a new South Korean study says people who drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day may have a lower risk of clogged arteries that can cause serious heart problems. For the latest study, the team analyzed data from 25,100 South Korean men and women. Coffee drinking may also reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimers disease. But coffee consumption has also been linked to higher cholesterol and blood pressure. Either way, coffee drinking is hear to stay.

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  7. 12 Filipinos in 2015 Forbes’ billionaires list

    Twelve of the richest Filipinos join Microsoft Founder Bill Gates and other dollar billionaires in Forbes’ list of 1826 billionaires for 2015. Topping the list is shopping mall and real estate tycoon Henry Sy who climbed to the 73rd spot from 97th in 2014. Sy, 90, has an estimated net worth of $14.2 billion due to the continuous growth of his SM Investments Corporation. Joining Sy are other magnates led by JG Summit Holding’s John Gokongwei, Jr., ICTSI’s Enrique Razon, and Megaworld’s Andrew Tan. Rejoining the list is also former senator and presidential candidate Manuel Villar Jr. Forbes says the number of billionaires is growing steadily every year.

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  8. Xavier University students divided over honorary degree for MILF’s Iqbal

    Students of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan in Cagayan de Oro City are divided on their school’s decision to invite Mohagher Iqbal, the chief negotiator of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to speak at their commencement exercises. According to Harold Laborte, president of XU’s central student government, some graduating students are shocked and saddened by the decision, which was made in November 2014. The recent Mamasapano operation that resulted in the death of over 50 people, including 44 SAF troopers, is partly the cause of the anxiety, Laborte said. Laborte said others are open to the idea. Iqbal, along with government negotiators Miriam Coronel-Ferrer and Teresita Quintos-Deles will receive honorary awards at the commencement exercises for their effort to engage in dialogue for peace in Mindanao.

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  9. Scientists reveal average penis size

    Men, if your penis length at rest is somewhere in the 9 cm range, then you can rest assured you’re well within the normal range. Scientists studying more than 15,000 appendages have determined the average penis size, at least for the 98% of men in the world. The other 2% of the male population have an abnormally small penis, said the study. But for most men, an erect penis is about 13.12 centimeters long and 11.66 cm around. The numbers should help “reassure the large majority of men” said the British researchers.

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  10. Condition of Revilla son ‘deteriorating’ – family lawyer

    Cavite Vice Governor Jolo Revilla’s condition is deteriorating, according to his lawyer Raymond Fortun, who is also the family spokesperson. Fortuno said that Revilla has ‘abdominal distention’ and his condition remains critical. Revilla, the son of detained senator Bong Revilla, is currently at Asian Hospital after being rushed there for a self-inflicted gun shot wound. On Tuesday, March 3, the senator visited his son for 5 hours after the Sandiganbayan granted a request to allow the senator to leave his detention cell in Camp Crame. The younger Revilla reportedly apologized to his father over the incident.

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