Were cops ordered not to join SAF 44 march?


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Were cops ordered not to join SAF 44 march?

Police alumni and families of the fallen Special Action Force 44 marched from Cavite to Quezon City Sunday to call for justice and accountability for the fallen heroes. It would have been another march, except that a text message had circulated within the alumni group discouraging members from joining. The text message said “desist from joining the march” and “uphold public interests over and above all other interests.” Rally organizer and retired Chief Superintendent Tomas Rentoy III said he confronted Philippine National Police Academy Alumni Association (PNPAAAI) chapter president Jerome Baxinela about it. Rentoy said, “He told me that it wasn’t an order but mere advice.” Rentoy added the PNPAAAI might consider “ostracizing” Baxinela.

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