Jolo Revilla leaves hospital

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Jolo Revilla leaves hospital

Cavite Vice Governor Jolo Revilla was discharged from the hospital, Sunday evening, March 8. Revilla family lawyer Raymond Fortun confirmed to Rappler that Revilla was discharged after being confined due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound on February 28. He will spend the next few weeks recovering at home. It will take around 3 to 4 weeks before Revilla can make a full recovery and report back to work. Doctors drained half a liter of blood from Revilla’s lungs – a result of the gunshot on his right chest. The Revilla family maintains the vice governor’s gunshot wound was due to an accident. Revilla is the son of Senator Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr., who is currently detained in Camp Crame over plunder and graft charges in connection with the pork barrel scam.

Read the full story on Rappler here and here.

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