6th suspect in Nemtsov’s killing blows himself up


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Boris Nemtsov | Photo by Anatoly Maltsev/EPA

A sixth suspect in the murder of top Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov blew himself up after a standoff with police in the capital of the Chechen Republic. Quoting state-run television, CNN reports Beslan Shavanov, 30, was holed up in a building in Grozny, threw a grenade at police officers before blowing himself up. The news came as Russian authorities said two out 5 other suspects have been formally charged. Nemtsov, one of President Vladimir Putin’s most outspoken critics, was shot in the back on a Moscow bridge in February. The slain opposition leader’s daughter, Zhanna Nemtsova said Putin shares “political responsibility” for her father’s assassination and said she doesn’t believe in the official investigation.

Read the full story on CNN.

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