S.Africa anti-abuse ‘the dress’ ad causes online storm


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S.Africa anti-abuse ‘the dress’ ad causes online storm


An image of a battered woman in a tight-fitting gold and white dress triggered a social media storm in abuse-ridden South Africa and around the world. The picture was part of a Salvation Army campaign highlighting the scourge of abuse of women in South Africa. The woman wearing “the dress” has dark bruises visible on her face and body. The dress recently generated a massive online debate as to whether it was white and gold or black and blue. The caption reads “Why is it so hard to see black and blue?” With over 3,000 tweets in the space of an hour, the abuse picture went viral on Twitter. As this developed, Eighteen-year old American Idol contestant Jax jumped on the bandwagon, performing “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” during the March 5 episode of the show wearing the dress.

Read the full story on Rappler here and here.

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