Tarver: Pacquiao style dangerous for Mayweather


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Tarver: Pacquiao style dangerous for Mayweather

Former boxing world champion Antonio Tarver believes Manny Pacquiao would give Floyd Mayweather Jr a difficult time when both men collide in the ring May 2 (May 3 in Manila). Tarver stated that although Mayweather successfully kept his unblemished record intact for 19 years, he has not faced an opponent like Pacquiao. Tarver said that Pacquiao’s southpaw stance and speed would play a factor in the long-awaited encounter against Mayweather at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tarver views Mayweather as the quicker man, but he assumes that Pacquiao is fast enough to land his shots. Tarver said Mayweather may take a decision victory if the fight goes the distance, but he did not rule out Pacquiao winning by a knockout.

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