Baby found alive 14 hours after car plunges in river

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Utah Baby| Photo courtesy of CNN

Rescuers found a 18-month old baby girl strapped to her car seat, still alive, in a car that had plunged into the Spanish Fork River in Salt Lake City, Utah, 14 hours before. CNN reports the car was discovered by a fisherman who noticed a car upside-down in the water. Rescuers also found the body of 25 year old Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, the baby’s mother. A resident told authorities he heard a loud crash the night before but saw nothing unusual when he stepped outside to check. Family members of the mother told police she had left Salem, Utah, and was supposed to be heading to her home in Springville, about 9 miles away. The baby, in a car seat in the rear passenger side, was not submerged during the ordeal. The baby was taken to a Salt Lake City hospital, where she was in critical condition.

Read the full story on CNN.

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