Apple unveils Apple Watch, new Macbook

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Apple unveils Apple Watch, new Macbook

In its Spring Forward event, Apple unveiled its Apple Watch which can receive calls, pay for items, read emails, check heart rates, check in at airlines and hotels, and maintain home security. All these for prices that range from an entry-level $349 to a limited high-end version $10,000. The new Apple Macbook with a 12-inch retina display weighs only two pounds and is 24% thinner than the current MacBook Air. Its new keyboard is 34% thinner yet 4 times more stable, enabling better precision typing. It costs at least $1,299 for 8GB of memory and a 256GB drive. A more expensive $1,599 has a faster processor and offers twice the storage.

Read the full story on Rappler.

A related story is on the New York Times.

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