Mosque bombings in Yemen prompt US pullout

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Mosque bombings in Yemen prompt US pullout 

Multiple suicide bombings claimed by the Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS or the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq) group killed at least 142 people on March 20 at Shiite mosques in Yemen’s capital – one of the strife-torn country’s deadliest ever jihadist attacks. The killings were the first claimed by ISIS in Yemen and represent a strong show of force by the group in a country where rival Al-Qaeda is the most prominent jihadist organization, and which reacted by saying it would not attack mosques. The attacks prompted the US to pull out the last of its troops According to a CNN report, the US is evacuating “the last American forces stationed in the Arab nation” which comprise up to 100 members of Special Operations forces including Navy SEALs from Al-Anad airbase. Yemen has acknowledged that American personnel gathering intelligence for drone strikes targeting Al-Qaeda are deployed at Al-Anad.

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