Binay presents plans for 1st 100 days as president

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Binay presents plans for 1st 100 days as president


Days after a survey showed he remained the top choice for president in 2016, Vice President Jejomar Binay unveiled his plans for his 100 days in office – if elected as president. Speaking before 2,000 lawyers in Cebu, Binay said that his government would build on the gains of the current administration on increased business and investor confidence. But he also stressed a lot needs to be done. He said he will solve port congestion to ensure the quick availability of food supplies and to ease traffic. The Vice President also vowed to fix the problems of Metro Rail Transit system. Binay said steps will also be taken by his administration for constitutional amendment, the matter of federalism or greater autonomy to Muslim Mindanao, and the Cordillera can likewise be tackled.

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