Pope conquers Naples, land of the mafia


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Pope conquers Naples, land of the mafia


Hundreds of thousands of people waving Vatican flags on Saturday, March 22, greeted Pope Francis as he headed deep into mafia territory, visiting jailbirds and the poor in Naples amid heightened security. The pontiff arrived in the poor, crime-ridden Scampia area of the city in a popemobile and immediately plunged into a crowd of children and young people, two of whom managed to pose for a selfie with the pontiff. “Corruption stinks, corrupt society stinks,” he told residents, adding that “we all have the potential to be corrupt and to slip into criminality.” Up to 800,000 people were expected to turn out through the day in the southern Italian city to greet the Argentine-born pontiff, who last year declared war on organized crime by excommunicating all mafiosi from the Catholic Church.

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