It has come to this: Palace denies rumors Aquino collapsed

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It has come to this: Palace denies rumors Aquino collapsed

And so it has come to this. Malacañang over the weekend had to issue a statement debunking rumors that President Benigno Aquino III collapsed Friday evening, March 20. It’s been a tough period for the President, who is facing his worst crisis since an overwhelming election victory in 2010. Two investigative bodies that looked into the Mamasapano bloodbath on January 25 said he should own up to it – in the spirit of command responsibility – for having approved the police operation that killed 44 cops, 5 civilians, and 18 Moro rebels, and endangered the peace process with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front which his government put in place. His public approval ratings after Mamasapano plummeted to an all-time low.

Read the full story on Rappler.

Read ‘Mamasapano: Time on Target,” a narrative by Patricia Evangelista on Rappler

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