Manila sings along with One Direction

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Manila sings along with One Direction 

It was a night to remember for Filipino Directioners, who finally got to see One Direction live in concert Saturday, March 21, the first night of their 2-night Manila show. The boys arrived earlier in the day without 5th member Zayn Malik, who pulled out of the tour due to stress. The group charged on ahead to deliver an energetic show despite the rain. Their first album Up All Night came out in September 2011, with hit single “What Makes You Beautiful.”They have since released 3 more albums: Take Me Home, Midnight Memories, and most recently, Four, which debuted at number one on the Billboard hit chart. They are also the first group to enter at number one with their first 4 albums.

Read the full story on Rappler.

Check photos of their first night in Manila on Rappler.

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