Young co-pilot deliberately crashed Germanwings – prosecutor

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Young co-pilot deliberately crashed Germanwings – prosecutor



French probers have found that the 28-year-old co-pilot of the doomed Germanwings flight “deliberately” locked his captain out of the cockpit and crashed the plane into the French Alps. Based on recordings made by the Airbus’ cockpit flight recorder in the final minutes before the crash that killed all 150 aboard, Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin, “The co-pilot is alone at the controls. He voluntarily refused to open the door of the cockpit to the pilot and voluntarily began the descent of the plane.” There was no immediate clue to the motive of the co-pilot, but the prosecutor said that “at moment, there is no indication that this is an act of terrorism.”

Read the full story on Rappler World.
Know more about the young pilot, Andreas Lubitz, here.

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