Indonesia’s high court rejects review of Filipina’s drug smuggling verdict

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Indonesia’s high court rejects review of Filipina’s drug smuggling verdict



Indonesia’s Supreme Court has rejected an application by a Filipina on death row for a judicial review of her case, taking her a step closer to being executed along with several other foreign drug convicts, a move welcomed by the Attorney General’s Office. Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso was caught at Yogyakarta airport, on the main island of Java, carrying 2.6 kilograms (5.73 pounds) of heroin on a flight from Malaysia. In her application for a judicial review, Veloso’s lawyers had reportedly argued that she was not provided with a capable translator during her first trial. Jakarta plans to execute all 10 of the convicts – nine foreigners and one Indonesian – at the same time, but has said it will wait for any outstanding legal appeals to conclude.

Read the full story on Rappler Indonesia.

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