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SC expediting Maguindanao massacre case

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SC expediting Maguindanao massacre case

Still unresolved after 5 years, the pending case of the Maguindanao massacre is being expedited to the maximum by the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno told a forum on judicial reform that the High Court has directed Quezon City Regional Trial Court Judge Jocelyn Solis-Reyes to focus solely on the case that involves 272 accused. She also said that Reyes devotes 3 days a week for the trial proper and two other days to resolve motions. The judge is allowed by the Supreme Court to issue decisions even without the completion of the presentation of evidence. The Maguindanao massacre is the country’s worst case of election-related violence in recent history and the world’s single deadliest attack against journalists. In November 2009, 58 individuals were killed and buried using a backhoe in that gruesome incident.

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