Iran agrees to cut back on nuclear program

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Iran agrees to cut back on nuclear program


What’s the real score on the Iran nuclear talks? A Western diplomat said Iran and world powers had “more or less” agreed to slash the number of its centrifuge machines by more than 2/3 from 20,000 to 6,000 and to ship abroad most of Tehran’s stockpile of nuclear material. But it is still a tentative agreement, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a blistering attack on the “dangerous” accord that may be emerging. Iran’s chief negotiator Meanwhile, Abbas Araqchi contradicted reports its stocks would be exported. Iranians expressed guarded optimism that after 18 months of tortuous negotiations and two missed deadlines, a breakthrough might be in sight for a deal ending 12 years of economic sanctions.

Read more on the nuke talks on Rappler.

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