‘For God’s sake, open the door!’ – Germanwings pilot


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‘For God’s sake, open the door!’ – Germanwings pilot


The captain of the Germanwings flight that crashed in France shouted “For God’s sake, open the door!” as the plane descended. CNN reports, Gerran newspaper Bild published what it says is a summary of the transcripts of the recording from the plane’s flight data recorder. The sequence of events showed co-pilot how Andreas Lubitz encouraged the captain, now identified by a relative as Patrick Sondenheimer, to go to the bathroom. Shortly after, air traffic radar detects the plane is starting to descend, as Sondenheimer – who is locked out of the cockpit – begs Lubitz to let him in. Passengers begin to scream. Then the plane’s computer warns “Terrain — pull up!” as the captain screams “Open the damn door!”. At this point, Lubitz’s breathing can still be heard on the voice recorder. Two minutes later the plane’s right wing scrape a mountaintop. Screams can be heard one final time.

Read more on Germanwing 9525’s last moments on CNN.

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