Daily News Highlights – April 6, 2015 Edition

CJ Maglunog

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  1. Kenya gunman a government official’s son

    Authorities in Kenya identified one of the 4 dead Shebab gunmen who massacred nearly 150 people at Garissa University. Interior ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka named one of the attackers as Abdirahim Abdullahi, a University of Nairobi law graduate and son of a local government official. Describing Abdullahi as a high-flying A-grade student, officials said it was “critical that parents whose children go missing or show of having been exposed to violent extremism report to authorities.” Earlier, authorities pointed to former teacher-turned-terrorist Mohamed Mohamud as the mastermind behind the harrowing Kenya massacre.

    Read more about Abdullahi and Mohamud on Rappler.

  2. PNP’s Espina declares Marwan dead

    More than two months after the deadly clash in Mamasapano, Maguindanao, Philippine National Police (PNP)’s Officer-in-Charge Police Deputy Director General Leonardo Espina officially declared Zulkifli bin Hir, or Marwan, dead. This comes after the United States’ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed that Marwan was the man killed during the Mamasapano operation. Days after the operation, the PNP’s Special Action Force (SAF) turned over Marwan’s DNA sample to FBI operatives in General Santos City. The top secret police operation also claimed the lives of at least 67 people – 5 civilians, 18 Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters, and 44 members of the PNP-SAF.

    Read more on the confirmation of Marwan’s death on Rappler.

  3. Chedeng weakens from super typhoon to low pressure area

    It will still be a rainy Monday in northern Luzon but not to worry – what was once super typhoon Chedeng (international name: Maysak) weakened into a low pressure area. All public storm warning signals have been lifted, but state weather bureau PAGASA said light to moderate rains are still expected over Northern and Central Luzon. PAGASA’s chief weather forecaster Esperanza Cayanan said Chedeng weakened because there was not enough heat or energy in Philippine waters to intensify the storm. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council chief Alexander Pama on Sunday said “what happened is short of a miracle.” Before hitting the Philippines, Maysak cut a destructive path that prompted certain Pacific islands to declare a state of emergency.

    Read the latest weather update and the phenomenon behind the ‘miracle’ on Rappler.

  4. Lufthansa gave ‘no information’ about co-pilot’s depression – FBA

    Germany’s Federal Aviation Office (FBA) said on Sunday, April 5 that it had no previous knowledge of Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz’s struggle with severe depression before the disaster in the French Alps. The FBA said Germanwings’ parent company Lufthansa gave “no information about the medical background” of Lubitz, whom investigators allege deliberately crashed the plane last month, killing all 150 people on board. Lufthansa physicians who examined Lubitz did not make the authorities aware of an “earlier phase of serious depression”, said the LBA, which issues pilots’ licenses. But Lufthansa acknowledged last week that Lubitz had informed its flight school in mid-2009 that he had suffered from “previous episode of severe depression.”

    Read more about the Germanwings co-pilot’s medical background on Rappler.

  5. P300 allowance for Makati residents an ‘open secret’

    In the latest Inside Track, Rappler writes about Makati’s “open secret” – money in exchange for gathering at the city hall in support of its mayor Jejomar Erwin “Junjun” Binay. Some so-called supporters have been “invited” to attend the rallies for an “allowance” of P300. Their transportation and meals were provided for. The only thing they needed to do? Show up and sign an attendance sheet, then collect their allowance afterwards. This has been going on as early as January, when Binay was arrested and brought to the Senate. Rappler also found out that supporters were fetched by a bus and brought there from Makati.

    Read more about Makati City’s so-called “open secret” on Newsbreak.

  6. Pope’s Easter message: End absurd violence

    Pope Francis called for an end to the “absurd violence” in hotspots around the world while praising the breakthrough reached last week on curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions. In his traditional Easter message, the 78-year-old pontiff prayed that the framework accord reached Thursday, between Iran and 6 major world powers would be “a definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world.” Francis also urged prayers for those killed in armed conflict, saying: “I think in particular of the young people who were killed last Thursday at Garissa University College in Kenya.”

    Read more on Pope Francis’ Easter message on Rappler.

  7. Large Hadron Collider back at work

    After a two-year upgrade, the world’s biggest particle collider is back in operation. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) introduced two proton beams, the source material for sub-atomic smashups, as part of the recommissioning process. The LHC comprises a 27-kilometer (17-mile) ring-shaped tunnel straddling the Franco-Swiss border, in which two beams of protons are sent in opposite directions. In 2012, the LHC discovered the Higgs Boson, the particle that confers mass, earning the Nobel prize for the scientists who theorized its existence back in 1964. What’s next for the LHC? Researchers will probe a conceptual frontier called new physics, with enigmatic “dark matter” the big area of interest. Ordinary, visible matter comprises only about 4% of the known Universe.

    Read more on the LHC’s recommissioning on Rappler.

  8. The boxing gloves showdown

    Brand loyalty is important for many fighters, and boxers Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr will be wearing their preferred gloves on their May 2 fight. Pacquiao will wear the Mexico-produced Cleto Reyes, while Mayweather will wear Grant gloves from New York City. Former lightweight world champion Nate Campbell explains both glove brands are designed with a different purpose – the Grant more protective to the puncher, while the Reyes is for the man that “wants destruction at all cost.”

    View the infographic of the Grant versus the Reyes on Rappler.

  9. Filipino characters in video games

    Filipinos appearing in video games are rare, but with the reveal of Josie Rizal as a new Tekken 7 fighter, it seemed like a good time to go digging around the world’s compendium of games for a roster of Filipinos portrayed in video games. There’s Talim from Soul Calibur, Front Mission 3’s Pham and Jose, and Ara of Nightfall, among others.

    Read the full list of Filipino characters in video games on Rappler

  10. Talk show ‘The Buzz’ goes on a ‘break’

    Long-running entertainment talk show The Buzz will be going off the air temporarily. Host Boy Abunda on Sunday, April 5, said the people behind the show have evolved and that they have agreed to “to stop today and then come back strong and be the best of what we can be.” Network ABS-CBN released a statement saying the program “recognizes the evolution in showbiz news reporting, and to cope with it, The Buzz deems it a necessary step to reinvent to start anew.”

    Read the full story on The Buzz’s hiatus on Rappler.

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CJ Maglunog

CJ Maglunog has been a content strategist for Rappler since 2015. Her work includes optimizing stories for various platforms. She’s a journalism graduate from Centro Escolar University.