CA justices to Trillanes: ‘Baseless’ bribery claims

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CA justices to Trillanes: ‘Baseless’ bribery claims

The Court of Appeals’ (CA) 6th division on Monday, April 13, denied Senator Antonio Trillanes IV’s claims that two of its members received bribes in exchange for a resolution favoring Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin “Junjun” Binay. Trillanes said CA justices Jose Reyes Jr and Francisco Acosta allegedly got a total of P50 million ($1.12 million) to issue a temporary restraining order and a writ of preliminary injunction stopping the Ombudsman’s preventive suspension against Binay. Trillanes also said that the Binays paid off the CA justices through lawyer F. Arthur “Pancho” Villaraza. In a statement, Reyes, chairman of the appellate court’s 6th division, denied receiving any amount to rule in favor of Binay.

Read more on Trillanes vs justices.

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