Hillary’s formidable fundraising machine and social media operation


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Hillary’s formidable fundraising machine and social media operation

Hillary Clinton went on a road trip from New York to Iowa on board a mini-van nicknamed Scooby. She tweeted a picture of herself meeting a family at a Pennsylvania gas station, “Road trip! Loaded the van & set off for IA. Met a great family when we stopped this afternoon. Many more to come. -H.” The trip into the US heartland Monday comes after launching her bid to become the first woman to win the White House. Her pledge: champion “everyday Americans.” The move reveals early efforts to put behind her the jet-set image of a former first lady, secretary of state and global charity director. Clinton’s formal entry unleashed her formidable fundraising machine and social media operation. Clinton leads against her GOP rivals in nearly all polls.

Read more on Hillary’s election machinery.

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