Illegal horse-fighting still goes on in parts of Mindanao

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Illegal horse-fighting still goes on in parts of Mindanao

Jill Alipio

Recorded in video by animal rights group Network for Animals (NFA), the horse-fighting derby allegedly took place on May 16, 2014 – one of dozens of horse-fighting events that take place in Mindanao provinces every year. This is in violation of Republic Act No 8485 or the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 which prohibits horse fights and the maltreatment of horses. 

Aggressive campaigning has led two governors – Jose Zubiri of Bukidnon and Emmylou Taliño-Mendoza of North Cotabato – to ban horse-fighting events in 2014. But insiders say those who make big bucks from horse-fighting have changed tactics to avoid the law.

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