Indonesia, Jokowi reject Mary Jane’s case review

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Indonesia, Jokowi reject Mary Jane’s case review


An Indonesian court on Monday, April 27, did not accept Mary Jane Veloso’s second case review request. The court stipulation stated that a case review can only be filed once. The only time a second one can be accepted is if there were contradicting decisions between criminal, administrative, or civil courts. Veloso’s lawyers had said the second request was stronger than the first as it argued on substance – that Mary Jane was a human trafficking victim and not a drug courier. Earlier that day, Philippine president Benigno Aquino III appealed for Veloso’s release, but Indonesia’s Joko “Jokowi” Widodo indicated that he will turn it down, citing the “supremacy of the law.” Veloso is set to be executed on Tuesday, April 28.

Read more about Veloso’s case and Widodo’s statement on Rappler.

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