Obama pokes fun at Clinton, Biden at correspondents’ dinner


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Obama pokes fun at Clinton, Biden at correspondents’ dinner


President Barack Obama spared no one at the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. The skit saw Obama deliver politically correct lines as “anger translator” comedian Keegan-Michael Key delivered the unalloyed truth. Obama talked about campaign fundraising: “Hillary will have to raise huge sums of money too.” Key: “She goin’ get that money. She goin’ get all the money. Khaleesi is coming to Westeros,” refering to a character in HBO’s “Game of Thrones” who’s out to win the throne. He also pokes fun at an issue that has dogged his presidency, the Secret Service’s security lapses. Obama said the agency has come up with a “fool-proof way to keep people off my lawn.” He showed a photoshopped picture Sen. John McCain with a broom. To keep the drones away, he showed Vice President Joe Biden with a baseball bat. Obama also did not spare any punches when he referred to an incident where Vice President Joe Biden got touchy-feely with Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s wife. “Those Joe Biden shoulder massages, they’re like magic. You should try one. Oh you have?”

Read more on CNN.

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