Aquino: Fast-track case vs recruiter of Mary Jane

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Aquino: Fast-track case vs recruiter of Mary Jane

President Benigno Aquino III on Thursday, April 30, said he would order Justice Secretary Leila de Lima to fast track the case of the alleged recruiter of Mary Jane Veloso, the Filipina who narrowly escaped death by firing squad in Indonesia. It was Maria Kristina Sergio who recruited Veloso and brought her “to this predicament,” Aquino said, referring to her conviction for alleged drug smuggling. He told the Indonesian government that pursuing Sergio’s case could take two months as the justice department is still conducting its preliminary investigation on possible human trafficking, illegal recruitment and estafa charges. The Philippines is considering making an appeal for clemency for Veloso, who, if proven to be a human trafficking victim, should not deserve the death penalty.

Read the full story on Rappler.

A related story on the Philippine bid for clemency is also on Rappler.

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