Post-Nepal quake, PH pledges to be more ready

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Post-Nepal quake, PH pledges to be more ready

Cpl Mark Larner RY/MOD

Lieutenant Colonel Jem Blades of the United Kingdom’s Royal Engineers had one advice for representatives of government and non-governmental organizations last Tuesday: Metro Manila’s earthquake response should be updated every 6 months. In the aftermath of the devastating Nepal earthquake that killed almost 6,000, Alexander Pama, executive director of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, said there is a need to “step up our efforts to make the Philippines better prepared for earthquakes and other emergencies.” Blades pointed out that plans are never perfect. “It’s not a static process. Any plan that is being developed, even if it gets to be top-notch, will have to be looked at again 6 months down the line.”

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