Blame Pacquiao’s ‘incompetent team’

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Blame Pacquiao’s ‘incompetent team’

The former conditioning coach of Manny Pacquiao said the boxer was not the same fighter he worked with some years ago, but emphasized it was not Pacquiao’s fault but the fault of his team. “I think the old Manny is still there he just needs a better team that can bring that out in him. I just think those people are not competent enough to do that.” Alex Ariza conditioned Pacquiao for many of his top fights for 5 years starting 2008, during the years Pacquiao rose up to different weight classes. In 2013, Ariza had a falling out with Pacquiao’s longtime trainer Freddie Roach, who ousted him for Pacquiao’s persistent calf problems, accusing Ariza of trying to do everyone’s job in camp. Ariza said Pacquiao deserved a better trainer.

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